Features & Benefits
Prebiotics and probiotics
Supports immune and digestive health
A Chick Strong™ Feed
Complete and balanced recipe with the optimal combination of the 38 required nutrients chicks need to grow at a proper pace, no supplements required
Essential amino acids
Contains 18% protein and is enhanced with lysine and methionine to support muscle and skeletal development
Added marigold extract
For brightly colored beaks and bright plumage
Vitamins A, B, D, E and K
Help chicks grow into healthy adult birds
Feeding Directions
1. Feed Purina® Start & Grow® continuously as the sole ration from hatch until laying age (18-20 weeks). Or for a flock of various types of poultry, feed Purina® Flock Raiser® free-choice until laying age.
2. At 18-20 weeks of age, feed Purina® Layena®, Layena®+ Free Range, or Layena®+ Omega-3 free-choice. Be sure to gradually transition from one feed to the next.
3. Always provide shelter and a constant supply of fresh, clean water.
4. Consumption will vary depending upon season of the year, nutritional needs of the animals and availability of other foods.
Important: A feeding program is only as effective as the management practices. Actual results can vary depending upon feed intake, environmental conditions and the quality of management practices.
Caution: Store in a dry, well-ventilated area free from rodents and insects. Never use moldy or insect-infested feed.