Thank you- So very much!Hmm⦠How can I say thank you for that kind deed? A card? A poem? Some flowers? How can I combine a little bit of each and make that thought last for ages? Oh- what a Lovely idea! Burn Time 35 hoursDimensions 7.7cm x 6.6cmWeight 230g Like all Lily-Flame products, This Candle is Cruelty Free and Vegan Friendly! Base NotesTonkaVanillaAmberMiddle NotesPatchouliJasminOrange BlossomClary sageTop NotesLemonAniseSpice
Thank you- So very much! Hmm How can I say thank you for that kind deed? A card? A poem? Some flowers? How can I combine a little bit of each and make that thought last for ages? Oh- what a Lovely idea! Burn Time 35 hours Dimensions 7.7cm x 6.6cm Weight 230g Like all Lily-Flame products, This Candle is Cruelty Free and Vegan Friendly! Base Notes Tonka Vanilla Amber Middle Notes Patchouli Jasmin Orange Blossom Clary sage Top Notes Lemon Anise SpiceProduct information
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